


Ensuring our university’s technology works – and helping when it doesn’t – remains 是菠菜网lol正规平台 IT的核心骄傲. 在2021-2022年期间,客户服务管理 超过57,000个案例和29个重大项目. 即使有这么大的数量,他们也能做到 提高客户满意度从4分.2020-2021年67人增至4人.5英寸中的8英寸 2021-2022. That marks three consecutive years of rising satisfaction scores through some of the most challenging technology environments in university history – remote 形态,通过再繁殖,变成杂交.

客户服务 also performs preventative maintenance on over 500 classrooms weekly and monthly preventive maintenance on 100+ conference rooms. 在2021-2022年,我们确定 and fixed 137 items before they became problems in the classroom.

As we move toward a more technology-enabled classroom and campus experience, the importance 服务和支持只会越来越多. 我们总是在这里帮助你. 


A key piece of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 future technology strategy is a secure, reliable, fast, high-bandwidth, 以及支持物联网的校园无线网络. 我们正在把我们的校园改造成一个高科技 environment with a cloud-first approach and “always-on” connections that include integrated cameras, IoT sensors, and myriad student-connected devices.

Completed in summer 2021, 菠菜网lol正规平台 IT worked within a tight and demanding timeline in order to deploy WiFi 6 to all outdoor spaces -- from design to procurement and implementation ——只用了3个月. 菠菜网lol正规平台 deployed over 180 WiFi 6 Access Points on buildings dating back to 1857 that had significant historical value to the community, including Tower Hall, Spartan Memorial Chapel, the Scheller House, and Dwight Bentel Hall. 它证明了 to be a monumental challenge ensuring we did not impact the aesthetics and integrity 这些历史建筑. 需要对墙壁进行x光检查以确定其结构 integrity of the buildings and to avoid accidental penetration of electrical, water, 或者其他重要的建筑基础设施.

The new WiFi 6 network has (1) improved speed by 37%, (2) improved multiple device handling, and (3) increased WiFi coverage across the campus.  交通堵塞 on our Outdoor WiFi network was a 108% increase, from the first day of instruction fall 2019 to the first day of instruction fall 2021, allowing our students the ability 无论他们在学校的哪个地方,都要学习和学习. 我们正在解决今天的问题 同时为未来建设.

A future-enabled smart campus will allow 菠菜网lol正规平台 to offer contextual engagement and notifications 根据地点、行为等对学生和游客进行评估.,并允许菠菜网lol正规平台支持 参与校园活动. 菠菜网lol正规平台建筑被启用为智能建筑 that support IoT, asset management, environmental monitoring, indoor wayfinding, and 空间占用. This will empower our data strategy, giving 菠菜网lol正规平台 insights into time spent 在校园 by building, with the capability to understand student behavior for 报告和映射到性能.


As late as 2016, 菠菜网lol正规平台 was a very manual process oriented campus, relying on paper 各部门之间的表格. 在过去的几年里,菠菜网lol正规平台 IT has made a concerted effort to digitize and automate as many of our processes as possible. Over the last four years, we’ve digitized over 3,100 processes and we’re working toward 数字化90%以上的校园流程的目标.

Digitization and automation of daily business processes has led to massive benefits 无论是大部门还是小部门. 流程更简单、精简、高效, 和更快的. 部门 are recovering time to work on bigger-picture projects and 获取更多数据以更好地为他们的决策提供信息.

However, the most important benefit by far is for our students. 当学生 faced with manual processes, lost forms, or the need to physically visit offices scattered across campus, it becomes a burden with missed filing deadlines, negative experiences and reduced outcomes because of long, convoluted university processes. 越容易接近 we can make our processes, the better we can serve our students. 有我们的流程 be digital, online, and automated makes them more transparent and expands access.

Here are just a few examples of major process improvements we’ve achieved thanks to 与大学各院系的合作关系:

  • 学生 financial aid documents used to be paper forms and any changes would need 亲身或以挂号信方式递交. 今天,这些都是数字化和远程完成的. Changes and corrections take a single day instead of weeks, students don’t need to visit the Financial Aid office, and the entire process is more transparent.
  • When a faculty member switches into an advising role, they need special permissions 在许多系统中. 每个系统过去都有一个单独的进程 获得访问权限,其中许多需要纸质表格. 现在,有一个集中的,自动化的 agent that grants all permissions across integrated systems. 获得访问权限需要 小时而不是天.
  • 招生 used to process transfer student transcripts manually, without any consistent 跟踪. Some transfer students’ prerequisite credits wouldn’t be entered in time 第一学期入学. 既然这个过程是数字化的,那么 团队工作更快,错误更少. 不仅如此,数字跟踪已经允许 them to see the most frequent transfer unit special cases, leading to even more automation 在未来.
  • The Former 学生 Readmission Petition (FSRP) used to be submitted via email through 没有任何进度跟踪的手动通信. 现在是电子提交 and go directly to document review, checklists are updated automatically, and accepted re-admissions are automatically moved to the undergraduate admissions forms queue. All forms are housed in OnBase instead of being sent and stored via email. 学生 forms are easily tracked as they move through the process, reducing the amount of 花时间管理学生的进步. 整个过程更加透明 各方.
  • 学生雇员的预约是手动处理的. 无法提取数据 efficiently from the paper forms, so the university was unable to categorize student 任命s by type or identify how funding was used within each type of student 任命. Thanks to a new 100% digital process, student type and category are now built into the electronic form and data can now be extracted electronically to provide 报告. Processing time has been cut in half and the university now leverages analytics on 任命 types and funding to make better-informed decisions about student employment 在校园.